Well, This would be my first official blog! I am really excited to start this journey with myself and share it with whoever I can support in there journey also.
First of all I guess I should introduce myself and bare myself. That is what I realized I would need to do, in order to accomplish my goals! Here are the facts;
Hieght 5'91/2" tall
Weight 230 lbs on my scale
Bust 45 1/2"
Waist 48"
Who am I?
I feel that I am a loving and passionate person. I forgive way too easily! I have alot of goals for and love to help the people in my life, I just seam to overlook my needs and goals alot of the time. (o.k. I lied almost always. =()
How did I get here?
1. I guess the main reason is that I was sooo busy taking care of everyone else I forgot about me.
2. As time went on I took care of myself less and less. As I forgot myself the people in my life also forgot to treat me well. I have been mistreated by many people in many different ways this past few years. It eventually started chipping away at my self esteem. I really do want people to like me.
3. I just really have not cared to be that disciplned. In my body and my mind I tell myself I am just going to do what I am going to do!
4. The weight I carry definatly makes my body hurt. I have pain in my upper and lower back, I have sciatica, Hip pain in my left hip, My legs are tight and sore, my neck hurts like crazy! I guess I know I should just get moving however its just easier to not move!
5. Honestly, I was doing great I had lost some weight after my pregnancy with Natalie I was down to 206 lbs. I put it right back on due to breastfeeding. It has been so stressful! Some people think it is supposed to help with weight loss, I disagree, Its exhausting!
Now I feel I have really hit the lowest point. I am thirty seven years old I feel like I am sixty. My life is defintly at a mid point and if I am going to enjoy the rest of it I need to MOVE!
Why a Blog?
The blog is my support system! I need accountability and a place to collect my thoughts and remind myself of my goals. If it helps others great! I realize my blog will not be perfect , especially at first. Eventually as time goes on it will all come into balance and perfection at that time we all will know I am coming close to the acheivement of my goals that originally caused this blog.
Diets and books have never really helped me with my self esteem or weight. As I started this blog I have realized why. It is a personal journey and the root cause of why this happens to people has to be figured out by the person who has the problem. Noone can do it for them! It has to be desired and wanted by the person...
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging... :)
ReplyDeleteHi Noelle. I too am new to blogging - just started in September last year. At first I was so nervous, but now I simply LOVE it. It has taken on a whole new dynamic, now that I have put losing weight at the top of my priority list. I noticed today that you are following my blog - thank you. I just read your post and so understood it. I too feel the blog gives me accountability. PRIME example: I didn't empty my cupboard of Xmas goodies before dawn of Monday (I think I relied on hubby to do that - human dustbin that he is LOL). BUT just now I arrived home from work ravenous, and looked in the cupboard and a box of mince pies winked at me. JUST because I had blogged (with images) this is my last latte and last mince pie, I did not feel I could eat one. It had that much power. Today at work someone offered me a coffee and I said no for the same reason.
ReplyDeleteI can't "weight" till the weight loss starts to kick in. (Let's keep each other company on the journey with all its twists and turns). Thanks again.